Wednesday, May 12, 2004

10 ways to go broke

1) Buying unnecessary items of clothing, eyewear, shoes, accessories...
2) Buying a $31 gran new car.
3) Buying random cosmetic/performance/audio upgrades for my new car.
4) Illegal parking and speeding in my new car.
6) Did I mention my car runs at 11 MPG and the gas price is at a 40 year high?
5) Taking vacations every month like having won a lottery (Italy, Paris, Toronto, Ann Arbor, Orlando, Vegas...)
6) Watching lame chick-flick movies.
7) Going to bars, clubs, and lounges with girls.
8) Taking responsibility of the bill at lounges when everyone else is too drunk to pay.
9) Expanding credit cards limits.
10) Stock market crash.

Please consult me if you're having any problems with managing (or unmanaging) your money. Toll free hotline: I-LOVE-MONEY

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