Tuesday, June 24, 2003
I was doing my usual afternoon cruise near my apartment, minding my own business. I stopped at the stop sign, made sure there wasn't any car, and then turned right into the inner most lane of a 3-lane road. Two seconds later, a crazy blonde lady (probably in her 20s) driving a gray new cougar honked at me from the back, and then drove up parallel to me for a second. I stared at her, but she didn't look back and proceeded to cut REALLY close in front of me. I was like @#($*@#$(@#* and honked her back, thinking to myself that I'll kick her lousy cougar's ass even with my crippled stick driving skillz. I pulled up next to her at a red light, getting ready for revenge. But when the light turned green, she turned left and continued to drive crazy fast and cutting in front of other cars. Oh well, I guess she was in a hurry, but if i see her next time........muhahaha 0:-)